Similac Pro-Sensitive Infant Formula with Iron Cans, 3 ct./34.9 oz.

Item: 293524
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    Product Overview
    Similac Pro-Sensitive* infant formula is designed for babies with sensitive tummies who have fussiness and gas due to lactose sensitivity. It has 2’-FL human milk oligosaccharide† (2’-FL HMO), an immune-nourishing prebiotic like that found‡ in breast milk, that supports a baby’s developing immune system.

    * Not for infants or children with galactosemia. † Not from human milk. ‡ At significant levels. § Due to lactose sensitivity. ‖Total US infant formula, all outlets as of 6/2020, Nielsen data. ¶ No significant difference has been shown between milk derived from rbST-treated and non-rbST-treated cows. # Ingredients not genetically engineered.

    Product Features:

  • Formula for Sensitive Tummies: Gentle nutrition designed to ease common tummy troubles like fussiness, gas, or mild spit-up.§ Suitable for infants with lactose sensitivity
  • 2’FL HMO Prebiotic for Immune Support: Similac Pro-Sensitive has 2’FL HMO, a prebiotic that helps strengthen the immune system to be more like the breastfed infant than ever before
  • Supports Brain & Eye Development: Features the exclusive blend of DHA, lutein, and vitamin E, ingredients found in breast milk that are important for helping to support baby’s brain and eye development
  • Promotes Strong Bones: Has no palm olein oil to promote excellent calcium absorption for strong bones
  • No Artificial Growth Hormones¶ & Non-GMO#: Similac is the first leading infant formula brand with no artificial growth hormones. Similac Pro-Sensitive contains ingredients that are not genetically engineered