Road Runner Pet Friendly Ice Melt

Item: 247646
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    Product Overview
    De-ice your driveway with the help of Road Runner Pet-Friendly Ice Melt by Scotwood Industries Inc. It is available in a 25 lbs. container and is a safer de-icing alternative for pet paws and plants, making it a practical choice for clearing out snow piles and ice around your home. This Road Runner ice melt is easy to apply and is specially formulated to melt to -15°. This natural product contains no salt and is made with pure magnesium from the Dead Sea, making it pet friendly. It is also rated a safer product for lawns, trees, and shrubs. The safe paw ice melt dissolves snow and ice using magnesium chloride pellets, so all that is left behind is a safer, cleaner surface.

    Product Features:

  • Road Runner Pet-Friendly Ice Melt is made with Dead Sea magnesium
  • Natural product and does not contain salt
  • Safer for plants and pets
  • Road Runner ice melt leaves behind a cleaner, safer surface
  • Melts to -15°
  • A convenient and easy way to de-ice
  • By Scotwood Industries LLC
  • Includes ice melt

  • (Model 25P-PF-CHP)